Health Tips

Kidney Disease in Dogs — All You Need To Know

Kidney disease is extremely common in dogs, and protecting your pooch from renal disorder means you ought to be prepared to look for problems early. Studies show that 1 in 10 dogs suffer from the renal disorder, reports Dr. Celeste Clements. Dogs can get renal disorder for many underlying reasons; even worse, it’s often difficult to identify. Some of the dogs’ earliest signs of renal disorder may include slight weight loss, urinating/peeing more often, and drinking tons more water. Therefore, if you notice your dog is peeing on the ground or asking to travel out more, or if your dog is usually thirsty, it’s time to go to your veterinarian.

Unfortunately, once these signs are present, there’s typically already been an excellent deal of kidney damage. Fortunately, new advances within the veterinary world make it easier to seek out renal disorders in dogs earlier (even without signs being present).



Kidney Disease In Dogs — What It Is

Kidney disease in dogs is hard to catch early and may devastate our canine friends. Generally, renal disorder (sometimes called “kidney insufficiency or failure”) happens when your dog’s kidneys stop doing their job also as they ought to. The kidneys help clean waste products from the blood. These waste products can build up within the blood if they’re not working properly. (Learn more about what kidneys do for your dog.) This damage, once done, are often permanent and may be caused by a spread of issues.

Quick Tips – Kidney Disease In Dogs

  • Kidney disease may be a leading explanation for suffering and death in pets,3 and has been so difficult to combat because it had been often not detected until most of the damage was done and permanent.
  • Certain kidney stones, tract infections, and other infections, including Lyme disease, or hereditary conditions, could make the renal disorder more likely.
  • Treatment options for advanced renal disorder are usually limited to supporting the kidneys and treating the signs of the renal disorder, as dialysis and kidney transplants aren’t readily available for dogs.
  • Encouraging your dog to drink more water can help with kidney health.
  • As dog’s age, the likelihood of developing renal disorder increases.
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